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Serving The Community

Teddy Bear Ministry- Each Sunday, bears are found seated in  the church.  These bears listen intently to the scriptures, prayers, songs of praise and sermons from the pastor.  After sitting and absorbing all the love from the church, they are ready to be sent out into the world to bring love from our congregation to the ill, lonely or people just needing one. Members replace the bears they send out and new bears are readied to go out into the world.  The bears are tagged with the church address and the receiver is asked to send a note to the church to tell us how each bear is doing in its ministry.  Time involved is varied. 

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Blanket Bunch- The blanket bunch is a group of sewers that meet off campus. They make blankets to donate to local organizations that help others in our community. They meet weekly for a couple of hours to sew. 


Feed My Starving Children- Feed My Starving Children is a Christian nonprofit organization that is dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food distribution partners globally that stay within communities assisting and empowering them to move from relief to development. The meals are developed by nutrition specialists to reduce malnutrition. These nutritious meals help children grow and thrive and develop to their full potential.


For the past four years, CLC has joined other denominations in our community to be the hands and feet of this organization and pack the meals destined for foreign lands. Meal packs, like ours, are found all year long, all over the country!


Not only do we raise funds to pay for this ministry, we supply the volunteers to do the actual work. During the drive for this annual event, we support the Cape Caring Center’s local needs by collecting non-perishable items. It is a wonderful time of togetherness working for others.


Cape Coral Caring Center- Created in 1990 by the Cape Coral Ministerial Association, the Cape Coral Caring Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting those in need with food items, utility assistance and referrals to other agencies. Our Church was one of the founding congregations and continues its support through financial donations as well as other assistance. Our children have collected coins for the Caring Center and our WELCA group held a toy drive at Christmas. Each Sunday, members bring canned goods that are delivered weekly to the Center.


We Care- We Care began this year as an outreach to our local school social workers. The social workers were polled to find the needs of our local students that a church could supply. We collect different personal care items each month. They are delivered to the social workers for our Cape Coral and North Ft. Myers schools for distribution to the students in need.


Laces of Love- A new ministry to our congregation, new shoes for school age children (elementary to high school)  are being collected for children in the community who are in need. Donations are distributed through Lee County Schools.



Other Ways To Get Involved

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